Custard Cream with KITPRO Cutter

Try the delicious Cream recipe made with KITPRO Cutter / Mixer.

Try the delicious Custard Cream recipe made with the KITPRO Cutter / Mixer.

This recipe is calculated to be made with the L9DIV model, 9 liters, and variable speed setting. You can scale the amounts, to fit your machine's capacity.

DIV Line Countertop Cutter - Mixer

2,4,6,9,12 Liter capacity countertop (cutter / mixer / homogenizer) for hummus, mayonnaise, meat, and all kinds of vegetables. High-speed hummus machine for a creamy smooth hummus.


1 liter of whole fat milk, 4 egg yolks, 3 tablespoons of cornstarch, 4 tablespoons of sugar, ½ tablespoon of vanilla extract.


Beat and mix the egg yolks, cornstarch, and the sugar in the L9DIV Cutter at 4th speed and slowly stir in the milk through the feeding hole until making a smooth paste. Rest the paste in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.


Serve in a dessert cup and garnish with fresh fruits. 

"Choose the HummusMaster for velvet smooth hummus!"

The HummusMaster promise high speed operation, perfect alignment of blades and the double-effect scraper.